In RapidAP Version 4 and above, AP administrators can use the Update Task Status page to update the status of a document after the workflow has been completed. This could apply to documents with the status EXPORTED, EXPORT FAILED, POSTED, or PAID.  


Additionally, an administrator can restart the workflow for a document after the workflow has been completed. This could apply to documents with the status EXPORT, EXPORTED, EXPORT FAILED, POSTED, or PAID.  


A reason must be entered to update the status of a document or restart the workflow.  

To do this, go to AP Settings -> Update Tast Status page.

1. Search: Search for the tasks that need to be updated/restarted. A single field or combination of fields can be used to search the tasks. 


2. Tasks: Select the tasks that need to be updated/restarted. 


3. Update Status: Choose the status to which the task should be updated.  

A document workflow can also be restarted.


Restart: Click on the restart button to restart the tasks.